Email Signature or Email Signature Template for Real Estate
Design a striking email signature (or email signature template) where the contact information appears in a sleek design consistent with the branding of the real estate agent or brokerage. Once a template is approved, we’re happy to create an email signature from it for each of your real estate agents at a reduced rate of $25 per agent.
- Includes up to three edits.
- Includes design of email signature only.
- Does not include installation of email signature in agent’s email platform. However, installation of email signature design can be added for $45/hr (includes one mobile email signature set-up and one desktop/laptop email signature set-up).
Price Includes:
- Up to three edits.
Can Be Added for a Fee:
- Installation can be added for $45/hr (includes one mobile email signature set-up and one desktop/laptop email signature set-up).
Please Note:
- Some mobile devices and security settings on mobile devices may make it impossible to set up an HTML signature on said device.