Resolutions for Real Estate Agents

Resolutions For Real Estate Agents - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing

For many of us, the end of the year marks a time for reflection and a time to set goals for the new year. Resolutions have become a customary practice to set a tone for success in the year ahead. Just as individuals set personal goals to better themselves, real estate agents need to set goals and resolutions for their businesses. These resolutions signify a commitment to growth, improvement, and adaptation in an ever-evolving market.

Let’s take a look at some ideas that can serve as guiding lights to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead:

  1. Prepare for a shift in the market
    Now is the time to hope for the best, but plan for the worst. Do not become an agent that cuts all costs and waits for the market to bounce back. Be proactive! Keep up with your marketing techniques, continue to reach out to the people who live in your neighborhood, build relationships with those who have a different view of the real estate market, and save money now.
  1. Stay connected to your sphere of influence
    Every client that you interact with has the potential to bring you new clients or to become a client once again. You want to be building those relationships and nurturing them. Something like monthly newsletters, holiday cards, a friendly birthday wish on their Facebook wall, etc., keeps you top of mind and leaves a lasting impression.
  1. Implement one new marketing strategy
    Look at the marketing tools you’re using and venture out of your comfort zone. So you’re using Facebook and Instagram to post on, but what about LinkedIn, YouTube, or TikTok? You have a website that people can contact you from, but are you updating your listings or have your listings on your website, and are you using things like a blog to push your SEO rankings? So you have an email newsletter, but are you also using print marketing tools to target neighborhoods you know or would like to gain business in?
  1. Create a new value to bring to your clients
    In today’s world, we’re always asking, “what else can I get?” We want more than what we’re offered. Think outside of the box when it comes to the value you can bring to your clients. Can you get clients a discount on moving fees? Can you give your clients a list of activities to do in the first year of moving to the city? Do you give a donation in your clients’ name to a local nonprofit after closing? Don’t just be a Big Mac, be a Big Mac with a large fry and drink. 
  1. Find a mentor
    There is no single person that knows it all. We all have different backgrounds, different experiences, and different skill sets that bring something new to the table. Are you thinking about adding an accreditation to your wheelhouse? Reach out to people who have taken those classes to see if they recommend it, what their key takeaways are, and how the class has made them think about the market differently. Do you understand the benefits of marketing, but aren’t sure where to start or what strategy to take? Reach out to Agent Operations for guidance.

This could be your year to make waves in the real estate world. Take the steps today to create change by starting with these resolutions for real estate agents. If you need help preparing a successful marketing strategy, contact Agent Operations.

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