Mastering The Art Of Connection: How To Be Seen As A Community Expert & Advocate

Mastering The Art Of Connection How To Be Seen As A Community Expert - Agent Operations - AO Marketing - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing

When it comes to generating and connecting with potential leads, being seen as an expert and an advocate in your niche markets and communities will go a long way. Knowing the ins and outs of a specific area will show you’re a community expert that people can trust and further prove the value you can provide if you represent them in their home sale.

Whether you already have roots in a specific community or want to venture out into new territory, here are a few tips on connecting with others and being seen as an expert and an advocate for your community. 

Live Like A Local

If you’ve lived in the area your whole life, you probably already know all the best spots. However, if you’re entering into new territory, you’ll need to do your research. Of course, Google is a great tool to find some of the more popular local coffee shops and grocery stores, but not everything can be found online. Live like a local and spend some time exploring and observing so you can find the best of the best in your community. 

Post Community-Related Content

One of the best (and easiest) ways to distinguish yourself as a community expert and advocate and connect with a large number of people at once is to post on social media. Posting about your most recent sales and new listings is excellent for showing your success, but breaking up your regular postings with your favorite local hotspots and upcoming events happening in the community will show some variety on your pages and help you set yourself apart from other agents in the industry.

Get Your Name Out There

How will people know you exist if you don’t get your name out there? Sharing stories and connecting with local business owners will help you network and get to know the people in your community. Volunteering with a local non-profit organization or sponsoring a local high school or children’s sports team will show you care about the community, and it’s free advertising (which is a bonus!). 

Know Who You’re Selling To

Knowing the businesses in your community is one thing, but knowing the kinds of people who live in your community is another. Understanding the demographics in your area will help determine the best strategy for connecting with them. For example, if the main demographic in your area is a younger generation, social media would be a great way to reach out to a digitally savvy group. However, if you’re targeting an older generation, you might want to pivot your strategy to better connect with them.

Being a resource in your community is a great way to build trust and connect with others in your area. If you have questions on developing a strategy to be seen as a community expert and advocate, we would love to chat with you! Schedule a 30-minute call with us and we can answer any questions you might have!

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