Lead Generation: The Key To Success

Lead Generation The Key To Success - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Lead Generation - Property Marketing

As much as we don’t want to admit it or hate doing it, lead generation is essential in real estate. You can’t just expect business to always fall into your lap; you have to put the work in to make it happen!

We know what you’re thinking: ”I hate cold-calling. It’s the worst.” or “But, no one door knocks anymore.” However, when we talk about ‘lead generation,’ we’re not necessarily talking about those things. Of course, they’re ideas, but they may not be the best use of your time.

Let’s dive into five ways to lead generate to build your database and grow your business. (We promise they’re not all scary!)


Let’s say you just sold a home way over the asking price, or maybe you’ve sold a few homes in the same neighborhood. These are great opportunities to send a postcard to the neighborhood and talk about your success! People love seeing what their neighbors’ homes are selling for because it gives them an idea of what they could get for their homes. If this is something you’re interested in, let us know! We would be happy to design a postcard for you.

Utilize Online Ads

When buyers are looking for a real estate agent, they usually look for reviews on Google and Facebook, so use that to your advantage! Facebook ads are easy to create and aren’t very expensive. So when people mindlessly scroll through Facebook, they can see your ad and reach out to you.

Sponsor A Local Event

People like knowing your interests, aside from real estate, of course. So consider sponsoring a local event that you’re passionate about. Getting involved in the community is a great way to meet face-to-face with people, whether it’s potential clients or contractors that could refer business to you in the future. 

Try Your Hand At TikTok

We know; we mentioned videos. The truth is, people love videos, and they love being able to see a more fun side of real estate agents. TikTok is huge right now, with over 50 million daily users between the ages of 16-40 in the United States. Most of that age demographic is the prime demographic for people looking to buy homes, and even teenagers may know of someone looking to buy or sell.

Spend Some Time In Your Database

Some lead generation programs have drip campaigns or emails you can set up your current clients on. It doesn’t take that long and is a great way to check in with them every once in a while and keep your name top of mind.

See, we told you they wouldn’t all be that bad! If you have any questions or need help getting started, please reach out to Agent Operations! We would love to help!

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