Five Strategies For Real Estate Agents Looking To Stand Out From The Competition

Five Strategies For Real Estate Agents Looking To Stand Out From The Competition - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing

Adapting your strategy is crucial for staying relevant and gaining new business. Technology is a great tool to utilize in any career, but especially in real estate since more and more is becoming virtual. As a real estate agent, your relationships are hugely important, but these five strategies will help streamline and multiply your business compared to the competition.

  1. Create Systems

Having systems in place will help automate some of the more mundane tasks that take time away from selling real estate. Efficient systems will help you become more successful. Ideally, there should be a system for every real estate task. Some basic systems you should have are setting property searches for clients, having a follow-up procedure, using checklists, etc. Automated systems have more benefits since it requires less thought and action while saving you time.

  1. Automation and Re-Automation

Speaking of automation…If I didn’t already stress the importance of automation, let me repeat it. Automating processes are the key to working fewer hours while working smarter. A great example would be hiring a marketing company to help with creating content. At Agent Operations, we help with professional real estate marketing and transaction management. As a one-stop shop for everything real estate, we’ll save you time and increase your income in the long run. 

Another great automation tool is a customer relationship management (CRM) system. It’s worth every penny to have a CRM with automation features like drip campaigns, property searches, call-to-action items, and sending notifications when attention is required. 

  1. Local Leadership Involvement

With almost everything being done virtually, it’s vital to have those in-person connections. A great way to make those in-person connections is by connecting with the community through local leadership positions. This way, you’re in tune with the community’s needs and can meet new people. As a real estate agent, you can leverage your skills and be a part of a committee or commission related to real estate or property. If you don’t want everything to be about real estate, find a non-profit or cause you’re passionate about and get involved! There are leadership opportunities there as well. 

  1. Partner with Local Businesses

Partnering with local businesses is another excellent strategy to get more involved in the community. It’s also a great prize for a social media contest. (And did you know that Agent Operations can set up your social media contest today? Yes, we can!)

Partnering with local businesses is an integral part of building those real estate relationships as word of mouth is still the oldest and most authentic way to do business. When working with local businesses, ask yourself if the situation was reversed and someone asked for your business. You should be able to answer these questions: what would you like to receive? What would make you want to recommend someone to your business? 

Some good examples of local businesses to partner with are wine stores, clothing stores, restaurants, home cleaning services, coffee shops, etc. Once you have the relationship, it’s essential to maintain it so it becomes a long-lasting business. 

  1. Utilize Video

Video is essential now, and especially in marketing. Video isn’t a new feature, but it’s still something many real estate agents struggle to create and utilize. In the future, and sooner than we think, it will be difficult for real estate professionals to stay competitive and relevant without video marketing. So it’s essential to start building those skills now.

If you’re ready to develop video skills, ask yourself these three questions before creating a video: 

  1. Who is the target audience?
  2. How can I get the message across to the target audience?
  3. Is the content I’m providing valuable? 

Utilize your in-depth hyper-local knowledge to help with creating content. Some of the most compelling videos include a human presence to make an emotional connection with the viewer. Listing videos are not the only option! Here are some other video ideas:

  • Local business reviews 
  • Neighborhood reviews
  • About me 
  • Client and peer interviews 
  • Case studies
  • Market updates
  • Livestreams
  • Events
  • Listing presentations

With these five strategies, you will soon dominate over the competition! If you need help with creating or implementing any of these tactics, reach out to us! We’re always happy to help! Contact us here or give us a call at (512) 400-2345. 

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