marketing strategy

Identifying Your Target Audience To Make The Most Out Of Your Marketing Dollars - Agent Operations - Agent Operations marketing - AO Marketing - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing - Agent Operations Real Estate Marketing -

Identifying Your Target Audience To Make The Most Out Of Your Marketing Dollars

Homebuyers are finding their perfect homes in various ways, including real estate websites, social media, open houses, and more. While the way homebuyers search for homes is based mainly on personal preference and comfortability, age demographics can also play a part. Wondering what marketing strategies are worth your time and marketing dollars? Identifying your target audience and their demographics...

6 Must Have Marketing Pieces To Effectively Market Your Property - Agent Operations - Agent Operations Marketing - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing

6 Must-Have Marketing Pieces To Effectively Market Your Property

When it comes to real estate marketing, it’s important to cover your bases and market your property across multiple marketing avenues to ensure your property reaches the highest number of people (and potential buyers) possible. From social media posts to printed brochures and everything in between, there are many ways to market your property effectively! At Agent Operations, we’ve developed an...

Real Estate Farming And How It Works - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing

Real Estate Farming And How It Works

If you want to gain more clients in a specific area, real estate farming is the way to go. When it comes to farming, there are many different techniques, but the most popular method is sending mailers. Even in the digital age that we’re currently in, farming is still a popular and effective way to build your database. Let’s dive into farming, how it works, and how it can help you increase your...

Crucial Strategies For Successful Real Estate Marketing - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing

Crucial Strategies for Successful Real Estate Marketing

Real estate marketing can be confusing and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! We’re sharing five crucial strategies for your real estate marketing to generate leads and be successful.  Define Your Audience Before creating and posting your content for prospective clients, you need to know who you’re talking to. Take the time to define who your ideal audience is. Is there a particular...

How To Write Your Own Mission And Vision Statement For Real Estate - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing

How to Write Your Own Mission and Vision Statements for Real Estate

Mission and vision statements are the core of any business, but it’s often an overlooked step in the real estate industry. As marketers, we always ask clients about their mission and vision statements to make sure anything we write and create on their behalf keeps those ideals and goals in mind. Often, we find that our clients don’t have one or don’t know how to write one. If you fall into that...

How Real Estate Agents Can Create Irresistible Graphics For Social Media - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing

How Real Estate Agents Can Create Irresistible Graphics For Social Media

Eye-catching graphics will work wonders for your social media channels and your real estate business! At Agent Operations, we call them Social Cards, and they’re designed to draw in your audience, keep you at the top of prospects’ minds, and share your real estate wisdom and expertise. And in this blog, we’re sharing how YOU can create them. Create a Series of Reusable Templates To...

23 Questions You Must Ask Your Social Media Manager Or Social Media Management Company - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing - Social Media for Real Estate

23 Questions You MUST Ask Your Social Media Manager or Your Social Media Management Company

We received a question from a client, and it's incredibly relevant and important, so I wanted to share it here. It's summed up by the idea of "How do you know you're getting the best value for the money you spend on a Social Media Manager for your real estate business?" Great question. Below, I've compiled 23 questions directly related to social media for real estate that are crucial to ask when...

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