The Importance of Marketing & Social Media In A Digital World

The Importance Of Marketing And Social Media In A Digital World - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing

In this day and age, we are constantly on our phones. Whether we’re scrolling aimlessly through social media or searching for something online, everything is right at our fingertips, and we don’t see that ending anytime soon. 

With that being said, it’s important to be active online. Let’s take a look at some numbers regarding social media and the internet from The National Association of Realtors®:

  • 20% of all NAR members (over 1.6 million) get 1.5% of their business from social media. 10% of members get 6-10% of their business from social media.
  • 51% of buyers found the home they purchased on the internet. 
  • 96% of real estate agents use a smartphone nearly every day.
  • 74% of real estate agents use Facebook and 56% of real estate agents use LinkedIn.

Here are a few top reasons why posting on social media and having an internet presence are essential for your business:

Instant Connection With A Huge Network

Everyone is on social media, so a huge group of people can see your posts. As we mentioned, people are more likely to browse through social media or look on the internet when it comes time to need a real estate agent, so it’s vital to remain at the forefront and stay ahead of your competition.

Promote Yourself and Your Business

Social media platforms are great ways for you to brag about yourself. You can talk about your active listings, closings, accomplishments, awards, and more! When choosing a real estate agent, buyers and sellers want someone with experience, so they will love seeing your posts about your transactions. It’s also a great plug (literally) for you to plug in a link to your listing online…increasing traffic to your website!

Builds Brand Recognition

Brand recognition is very important when it comes to real estate. People remember logos and pictures more than they remember names, so you’ll want to make sure your team and/or brokerage logos are always visible. 

At the end of the day, there are millions of real estate agents worldwide, but there is only one of you. You know the service and experience you can provide to clients if they give you a chance, so make sure they choose you! If you need any help with marketing or social media, reach out to Agent Operations! We would love to help you focus on your strengths while we handle the rest! 

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