How To Revamp Your Listing For The Spring Market

How To Revamp Your Listing For The Spring Market - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Marketing

Do you have a listing that has been on the market for a while and won’t sell, no matter what you do? Are you looking for ways to drum up some showings and bring some sparkle back into your listing? The new season of Spring might be just what you need!

The Spring market brings buyers out from their winter hibernation to look for homes, which is the perfect opportunity for your listing to shine! Let’s look at a few ways to revamp your listing so it’s ready for new buyers!

Brighten Up Your Decor

If you still have photos of your listing with the Christmas tree up online, it’s time to re-stage and have new professional photos taken. Even though your listing may have been on the market for a while, you don’t want the photos to reflect that, so this is a must! When you think of Spring, you think about bright colors and sunshine, and your listing should reflect the new season. Consider adding some colorful throw pillows and upgrading your landscaping with flowers to brighten the curb appeal.

Switch Up The Property Description

Most of the time, buyers will flip through the photos to decide if they want to see the home, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect the description. Property descriptions allow you to talk about all the amazing features of the home and any updates the sellers have made to the home that buyers might not be able to see from the photos. If your home has been sitting, it might be time to spruce up your description and tell the story of the home and everything it has to offer.

Let Social Media Work Its Magic

Social media allows your listings to reach a huge audience that may not have ever seen your listing, but you only have one opportunity to make a good impression. Having eye-catching social media graphics and property flyers can make or break you. Consider updating your social media templates with all the best pictures and features to let them see how beautiful your listing is. 

We know what you might be thinking, “this seems like a lot of work.” Want to know the good news? Agent Operations can help you with all of this! We can help you develop a brand, write your property descriptions, AND create eye-catching social cards and property flyers to show your listing in its best light. Send us a message when you’re ready to get started! 

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