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A Real Estate Agent's Guide To Social Media Marketing - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Marketing for Real Estate - Agent Operations Marketing

A Real Estate Agent’s Guide To Social Media Marketing

Social media is a fantastic marketing tool for promoting your business and building brand awareness. According to, over five billion people use social media worldwide, and that number is projected to increase to over six billion in 2028, making it an excellent platform for reaching a larger audience and increasing visibility. With so many social media platforms available, which ones are...

Identifying Your Target Audience To Make The Most Out Of Your Marketing Dollars - Agent Operations - Agent Operations marketing - AO Marketing - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing - Agent Operations Real Estate Marketing -

Identifying Your Target Audience To Make The Most Out Of Your Marketing Dollars

Homebuyers are finding their perfect homes in various ways, including real estate websites, social media, open houses, and more. While the way homebuyers search for homes is based mainly on personal preference and comfortability, age demographics can also play a part. Wondering what marketing strategies are worth your time and marketing dollars? Identifying your target audience and their demographics...

Are You Ready For The New Digital Wave Of Home Buyers? Online Marketing Techniques to Generate Real Estate Leads - Agent Operations - real estate marketing - realtor marketing - AO marketing

Are You Ready For The New (Digital) Wave of Home Buyers?

Young Gen Z homebuyers are using social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube to find real estate agents to work with and homes to purchase, making having a solid digital brand more important than ever.  A recent article from discovered the following statistics: 80% of Gen Zers spend time on YouTube 75% of Gen Zers spend time on Instagram, Around 60% of Gen Zers...

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