Marketing Techniques To Help Promote Your Next Open House

Marketing Techniques To Help Promote Your Next Open House - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing

Open houses are becoming more and more popular in today’s market. Whether you have a fantastic listing in a hot up-and-coming neighborhood or a listing that has been on the market for a while, and you’re trying to attract new business, open houses are great ways to promote your listings.

However, you can’t just expect to include the open house date & time in MLS and call it a day; you have to promote it to succeed. Let’s look at a few marketing techniques to help promote your next open house.

Detailed Flyers

Most agents will have a beautiful flyer created with lots of photos and a description of the property for buyers to see at the open house, but why include photos when people can see the house right in front of them? Take this time to create a flyer that tells them things they might not know about the home, including house upgrades, neighborhood events and amenities, school district ratings and activities, and more! These extra details may help them decide to write an offer on the home.

Live Walkthrough Video

Get to the open house early and do a quick live walkthrough on social media of the property. This will give potential clients a little teaser of what they’re in for and allow them to get a feel for the home’s layout. Also, if they have any questions they want to ask before they come to the home, they can ask them beforehand. 

Neighborhood Door Hangers

Don’t be afraid to invite the neighbors! Have some door hangers created with the open house information and your contact information and pass them out to the neighbors. Use this as an opportunity to get to know them and ask them what they love about the neighborhood. The door hanger also works as a leave-behind they can refer back to if they decide to buy or sell or know someone who’s looking for a real estate agent in the future.

If you have any questions about how to promote your next open house, reach out to us! We would love to help you get started with your marketing or create any marketing materials you might need! 

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