Vital Real Estate Prospecting Tips To Generate More Leads

Vital Real Estate Prospecting Tips To Generate More Leads - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing

This red-hot real estate summer market is all about boosting business, generating more leads, and building genuine relationships with your sphere of influence. However, these prospects aren’t going to fall into your lap. A strong portfolio of clients requires a lot of heavy lifting, but the rewards speak for themselves – an incredible network of loyal clients that will generate business for years to come. 

So, how can you utilize real estate prospecting to grow your real estate business?

Establish A Connection In Person

Let’s face it, the season of cold-calling only is becoming outdated. Building successful business relationships is all about trust now. And when your community of prospects genuinely trusts and values your authority in real estate, the business will follow. The first step in building these relationships is to ensure that your goal of connecting with new prospects is a part of your routine. Whether you’re hosting a weekly coffee shop real estate chat, volunteering at a community event, or attending a monthly networking meet-and-greet, take steps to ensure that you are involved in the spaces your prospects frequent. 

Follow Up Across All Mediums

Once you’ve established a genuine connection with your prospects, it’s time to push that relationship to a new level with follow-ups. And while prospecting emails and calls continue to be essential touchpoints for generating new leads, this tactic is most successful when working hand-in-hand with cross-medium prospect marketing. This kind of prospecting looks like monthly sphere of influence email newsletters that you can send to your prospects, a strong social media presence full of high-value real estate information in your voice, and real estate postcards of your recently sold listings to your target neighborhoods. All of these mediums will get your name, services, and reputation out in front of your prospects. 

Don’t Forget Your Current Clients

According to the National Association of Realtors®, 89% of buyers would use their real estate agent again or recommend their agent to others, and approximately 63% of sellers discovered their agents through referrals or used an agent they had worked with previously. While prospecting for new clients is essential, especially in today’s real estate market, nurturing your current clientele is also an important step in generating more leads. So, keep in contact with your clients after you complete the transaction. These clients will keep you in mind as their Realtor® for the future and will be more likely to recommend you to their friends, families, and neighbors.

Real estate prospecting takes a great deal of time, effort, and dedication, but it can be one of the most significant returns on investment in your real estate business. So, don’t lose hope and let your reputation speak for itself. If you have any questions about real estate marketing, please contact us!

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