Don’t Get “Ghosted” By Your Clients – Stay Connected With These Tips

Don't Get Ghosted By Your Clients Stay Connected With These Tips - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing

Not hearing back from a client you’re actively working with can make you question everything you’re doing, but it doesn’t mean your relationship with them needs to be over for good. We’ve all had situations where you’re working with a client and think it’s going great, only for them not to call you back or not show up to a showing (after you reminded them of the day and time a million times).

Keep your relationships alive by being someone your clients can trust and come to if they have questions about the real estate market. Here are a few things you can do to improve your client follow-up and minimize being ghosted in real estate.

Face-to-Face Connections

A face-to-face interaction from the beginning allows them to put a face with the name and establish a more personal connection. Whether you send them a video intro, have a FaceTime call, or meet with them to discuss their real estate needs, meeting face-to-face makes them feel like they know you and that there is a real person on the other end of the phone. 

Call Your Clients

While sending a quick text or email to check in is easier, sometimes picking up the phone and talking to your clients directly makes more sense. If you have something more long-winded to say that will require more than a yes or no response, you should be calling your clients. Not only is it easier to have a conversation with them, but it allows your clients to ask questions to you directly and further build your relationship with them.

Take Time To Learn About Them

It’s important that your clients know you are treating this as more than just another transaction. Take time to learn about your clients, including their wants and needs, hobbies, family, and more. Knowing exactly what your clients expect from this transaction will make it easier for you to sell their home or find their dream home. In addition, learning about their hobbies or families could help you relate to them more and find common ground.

Follow Their Lead

If your client tells you they will buy or sell in a few months or years, respect their boundaries and follow their lead. There might still be times when they reach out to you with questions, and you can still follow up with them on occasion to see if anything has changed, but it’s important not to overdo it when they have already given you a timeline. You don’t want to come off as overbearing because it could lead them to work with a different real estate agent.

Working with new clients doesn’t have to be scary if you have the right strategy. If you need more suggestions on how to stay connected with your clients, reach out to us! We would love to help you with marketing strategies to take your business to the next level!

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