6 Must-Have Marketing Pieces To Effectively Market Your Property

6 Must Have Marketing Pieces To Effectively Market Your Property - Agent Operations - Agent Operations Marketing - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing

When it comes to real estate marketing, it’s important to cover your bases and market your property across multiple marketing avenues to ensure your property reaches the highest number of people (and potential buyers) possible. From social media posts to printed brochures and everything in between, there are many ways to market your property effectively!

At Agent Operations, we’ve developed an all-inclusive marketing strategy that includes 6 must-have property marketing pieces to market your beautiful listings effectively. Let’s dive in!

Social Cards

Everyone is on social media! So, if you’re not posting your listings on social media, you’re doing your client (and yourself) a disservice. Our social cards are designed specifically for you with your branding and style, with details and a few photos of your listing. A social card set typically includes:

  • Coming Soon
  • Just Listed
  • Featured Listing
  • Open House
  • Under Contract
  • Just Sold

Property Brochure

Your listings deserve to be showcased, and our property brochures are the perfect way to highlight their best features! We offer customized 4-page, 8-page, and 12-page brochures that allow us to go into further detail about your listings and include compelling descriptions and photos. These brochures are high-quality with a magazine-style look and include a high-resolution print-quality PDF and an email version PDF for easy sharing. 

Hype Video

Who doesn’t love videos? Our property hype videos include a slideshow of your listing photos with your contact information. We post the video to your Facebook page and YouTube to further promote your property in a different way.

Property Blog

Many real estate agents aren’t writing blogs, so not only is this one more way to market your property, but it allows you to stand out from other agents. Our blogs include a detailed description of your property with photos and important stand-out details. The blog is posted to your website, which is a great way to bring people to your page and obtain more leads.

Email Campaign to SOI

Your sphere of influence is a group of your biggest supporters, including your family, friends, and past/current clients. You never know who might be looking for a home like the one you just listed, so sending an email campaign to your SOI is a great way to advertise the property! Our email campaigns are created through Mailchimp and include your brand and style as well as a description and pictures of the property with links to the blog, property brochure, and video!

Email Campaign To RealtorsⓇ

What better way to market your listing than to send it directly to RealtorsⓇ? This email campaign includes a customized flyer with details, photos, and your contact information emailed directly to RealtorsⓇ within a specific radius of the property. 

We know what you’re thinking, “I don’t have time to do all this.” And luckily, you don’t have to! We would LOVE to do it all for you so you can focus on what you do best…selling real estate! Want to get started? Contact us today or schedule a 30-minute call with us!

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