How To Make The Most Out Of Your Open House

How To Make The Most Out Of Your Open House - Agent Operations Marketing - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Marketing for Real Estate

Many real estate agents see open houses as just going and sitting at a listing for a few hours, but with some time and effort, they can be highly worthwhile for you and your business. With the right strategy and scripts, you could gain new clients you wouldn’t otherwise have.

Here are a few tips on how to make the most out of your open house.

Do Your Research

When hosting an open house, you want to know what you’re talking about within the home. You should know specific details like the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, the square footage, updates, and more because potential buyers will ask these questions. You should also take time to familiarize yourself with the neighborhood and the surrounding area. You never know when potential buyers who don’t have an agent might walk in and want to work with you, and showing you have knowledge of the home and the area will show you’re an expert.

Get To Know Your Guests

Take some time to talk with your guests and learn what they’re looking for. Maybe after they look around, they realize this home isn’t the home for them, but you might have another listing that would work better or even a competitor’s listing that you could show them. 

Have A Sign-In Sheet

Some real estate agents don’t come prepared with a sign-in sheet, which is doing yourself a disservice. We all know that some guests who come through an open house might be nosey neighbors, but many are active buyers looking for a home. Make sure every guest who comes through your open is signing in and giving you a phone number or email address, and have business cards everywhere so they can take one and reach out when they need you.

Make Sure To Follow Up

You should be following up with all of your guests who attend your open house within a few days. If you can follow up the same day, that would be ideal, since the open house would still be fresh in their minds. Once you’ve followed up with your guests, relay this information to your sellers and let them know how many people attended and if any of them seemed interested. Having open communication with your sellers will show you’re putting the work in to sell their home. 

If done correctly, open houses can be a key piece in your marketing strategy that can provide a lot of value to you and your clients. If you have questions about how to make the most of your open houses or need marketing pieces to help promote them, reach out to us! We would love to help! 

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