Time Management Tips For A Busy Real Estate Market

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Do you ever have those days when there just isn’t enough time to get everything done? Life as a real estate agent means lots of busy days of multitasking and trying to be in multiple places at once. While it might seem like you can’t do it all, working on your time management and following these four tips will help you start to cross some tasks off of your endless to-do list!

Let’s dive in!

Time Blocking

Time blocking is a popular concept many busy real estate agents and professionals use to reserve time in their schedules for important tasks. Many agents might time block prospecting in the morning before the day gets away from them and keep the afternoon and evening open for listing appointments and showings, but that might not work for you, or you might find more people answer the phone at a different time of day. What’s great about time blocking is that if you lay out your schedule with time-blocked tasks and find it’s not working, you can easily switch things around and see what might work better for you. 

Stay Consistent

Once you find a schedule that works for you, stay consistent with it. Remaining consistent will quickly turn into developing a routine, which will become a habit, and eventually, it will all be second nature to you. Obviously, the real estate market is crazy, and things that are out of your control will come up, but try to keep your tasks as close to your schedule as possible.

Make Time For You

While it might seem counterproductive to carve out time for yourself in your already busy schedule, stepping away from real estate work will help clear your mind so you’re more productive when you return. Real estate is a fast-paced industry, and it can be easy to jump at opportunities instead of taking time for yourself. While this might help you financially, it probably won’t help you mentally, so making time for yourself is crucial for your overall success.

Outsource Marketing

Teaming up with your friends at Agent Operations to handle your marketing can help free up time for you to focus on what you do best: selling real estate. Marketing is one thing you don’t want to skimp yourself on, so if you don’t have the time or energy to put into it, you’re doing yourself a disservice by not outsourcing to someone who does. 

In real estate, you never know what you’re going to get. Every day is different, with new people to meet, opportunities to explore, and, unfortunately, issues to solve. Have questions about how we can help take some things off your plate to make more time for you and your business? Reach out to us here or schedule a 30-minute call with us!

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