Tips For Writing A Compelling Property Description

Tips For Writing A Compelling Property Description - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing - Property Marketing for Real Estate - Agent Operations - Agent Operations Marketing

If you’re not writing property descriptions for your listings, you should be! Property descriptions are your first opportunity to allow buyers to learn about the property and see if it checks off all their boxes. The best property descriptions catch buyers’ attention and make them want to schedule a showing to see more!

Here are a few tips for writing a well-crafted and compelling property description to promote your amazing listings!

Opening Statement

Most buyers probably won’t read your property description in its entirety, but if you have a fantastic opening statement or headline that catches their attention, they’re more likely to continue reading. Your opening statement should summarize the entire property in one sentence and include information buyers want to know about (location, school district, waterfront, vibe of the home, etc.).

Highlight Best Features

Buyers hone in on details like the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and overall square footage, which are listed in separate fields from the property description. Step into a buyer’s shoes, think about what features they’re looking for, and make sure to include them in your description. 

Include Specifics

Use the description as an opportunity to tell buyers things about the property they might not know. If you’ve made updates to the home, include them in the description with the completed dates. In addition, talk about specific details, including the types of countertops, cabinets, backsplash, appliances brands, flooring types, and more!

Buyers want to imagine what it would be like to live in the home, so talking about the location and what the sellers love about it are personal details that can go a long way.


Most listing services, including MLS and Zillow, limit you in the number of characters you can use, which is great because you want your descriptions to be clear and concise. Once your description is written, re-read it a few times to ensure there are no typos or text formatting issues. As weird as it might sound, you want to make sure your description looks aesthetically pleasing without anything that could make it stand out in a negative way. 

When it comes to online home searching, buyers tend to look at the photos first, but the property description really allows them to learn all the ins and outs of the home. If you have questions about writing your own descriptions or are interested in Agent Operations writing them for you, reach out to us here or take a look at our customized listing description service here! We would LOVE to get to work for you! 

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