How To Show Sellers Their Property Is Being Marketed To The Fullest

How To Show Sellers Their Property Is Being Marketed To The Fullest - Agent Operations - Agent Operations Marketing - Real Estate Marketing - Marketing for Real Estate

When it comes to marketing a listing online, there are many different ways to promote the property. From social media and email campaigns to postcards and flyers, it can be difficult to make sure you’re hitting all of the platforms to ensure the listing is being seen by different audiences.

Of course, if you’re spending money on multiple marketing techniques, you want to make sure your marketing dollars are being put to good use, right? Let’s dive into a strategy we have developed at Agent Operations that does just that!

What Is A Seller Report?

We created Seller Reports as a way to easily showcase how many views, clicks, opens, and more are happening in your marketing techniques. This data is usually pulled weekly and comes from the backend of all of the marketing platforms you use, all wrapped up into one report that you can easily send to your sellers! So, not only can you see what marketing techniques are working, but your sellers can see how much you are working to promote their listing and ultimately get it sold!

What’s Included In A Seller Report?

Our Seller Reports include data only from the marketing platforms you’re promoting your listing on, so the more marketing you do, the more data you will have included in your Seller Reports.

We offer various marketing tactics to promote your listing and include all of them, along with any links, in your report. In our Seller Reports, you can see things like:

  • Client views and agent views in MLS
  • Views on your website property page and blog
  • Social media stats, including reach, engagement, and reactions (for multiple posts, if applicable)
  • Email newsletter opens, clicks, and successful deliveries

All of our Seller Reports are uniquely branded to you, using your logo, colors, and custom design, with your contact information included. We feel our Seller Reports are a great way to see your marketing dollars at work and show your clients you’re working hard to sell their home!

These Sound Great! How Do I Get Started?

As we mentioned before, our Seller Reports only work if you’re marketing your listings effectively and regularly. If you’re doing marketing with us already or want to get started, reach out to us or schedule a 30-minute call with us, and we can discuss the best course of action! Usually, we will wait a few weeks after your property marketing begins to collect your first round of data for your reports, but then we can produce them weekly for you to send to your sellers! 

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