Selecting the right image to convey your message and capture the attention of your target market can make or break your marketing piece or online profile. 84 percent of all marketing communications are visual, whether it be a listing package, social post or even a professional photo for your online profile.
Tailoring your image to fit the message you are trying to convey can be tricky. For example, take a look at these two marketing covers for a multi-page brochure below. The first one is a piece our marketing team created for a client. It clearly conveys this company is in the real estate business showing a beautiful image of a property, enticing the consumer to turn the page. The message that is conveyed is Tate is a high-end brokerage that knows their market in the Austin area. The second image fits the title of the piece but doesn’t scream real estate brokerage and the graphics on the image get lost. The image isn’t bad however, it may fit better within the brochure.

Above all, look for images that display relevance, originality and fit the message you are trying to convey. We recommend you use your own professional image when you can and high-quality stock photos for minor fillers if it’s a larger project.
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