There are many effective ways to connect with your sphere of influence, but you must have a plan. Today we’re sharing the Agent Operations’ 3-Point SOI Communication Plan:
- Send something every month to your sphere of influence. It can be an email newsletter, a hand-written card, a print newsletter, holiday cards, or whatever you enjoy sending. Just make sure it goes out each month like clockwork.
- Call everyone in your SOI at least four times a year. Don’t stress about what to say. Start with “Hello, how are you?” Show real interest in the people you care about and the conversation will take care of itself.
Be a real estate resource, a consultant. Ask if they need your help. If they do, great! If not, ask if they know anyone who needs a hardworking real estate professional in their corner.
Tip: Make the call standing up (not sitting down) – this gives your voice more energy. And don’t forget to smile as you talk (yes, it really makes a difference).
- Visit everyone in your sphere of influence at least twice a year. Whether you do it all at one time with a customer appreciation event or spread it out by walking the neighborhoods, inviting special clients to lunch, hosting workshops, attending neighborhood block parties, visit over coffee, or all of the above. Make it a point to get out and let people put a face with your name!
Do you have other effective ways to connect with your sphere of influence? Share with us, and happy connecting!