real estate marketing tips

How Real Estate Agents Can Create Irresistible Graphics For Social Media - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing

How Real Estate Agents Can Create Irresistible Graphics For Social Media

Eye-catching graphics will work wonders for your social media channels and your real estate business! At Agent Operations, we call them Social Cards, and they’re designed to draw in your audience, keep you at the top of prospects’ minds, and share your real estate wisdom and expertise. And in this blog, we’re sharing how YOU can create them. Create a Series of Reusable Templates To...

Get Clear About Your Marketing Message - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing - acumenbyAO

#acumenbyAO: Get Clear About Your Marketing Message

It’s crucial to get crystal clear about your marketing and about your marketing message. Ask yourself these three questions to make sure your real estate marketing is on point: Do your customers actually KNOW what you’re selling?hint: it’s not only real estate… Do your customers know what problems you solve for them?hint: you are the guide. Do your customers understand how they can...

Laser Target Your Social Media Hashtags Like An SEO Expert - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing

Laser-Target Your Real Estate Social Media Hashtags Like An SEO Expert

Used by SEO experts to discover keywords, Google Trends is also an innovative way for real estate professionals to select and analyze effective and creative hashtags for your real estate social media content. Why are hashtags important? Hashtags expand your content's audience. Essentially, hashtags are "keywords" for social media, and when more of your content is seen, you have more opportunities to...

Images Matter: Selecting The Right Image For Your Content - Selecting The Right Image For Your Content - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing

Images Matter: Selecting The Right Image For Your Content

Selecting the right image to convey your message and capture the attention of your target market can make or break your marketing piece or online profile. 84 percent of all marketing communications are visual, whether it be a listing package, social post or even a professional photo for your online profile. Tailoring your image to fit the message you are trying to convey can be tricky. For example,...

High Impact Low Cost Marketing For Real Estate Agents - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing - Agent Operations

High-Impact Low-Cost Marketing for Real Estate Agents

Today, we're covering high-impact, low-cost marketing tactics. Two of the most effective marketing tactics include getting client reviews and taking a photo with your clients at closing. Think of reviews, testimonials, and photos with clients as marketing GOLD. There are many marketing choices out there, and these are some of our top recommendations. And they're among the least expensive! What's more?...

21 Bulletproof Real Estate Marketing Ideas - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing - Marketing Strategies for Real Estate

21 Bulletproof Real Estate Marketing Ideas

In today's fiercely competitive online mediums, there's no shortage of potential ways to market real estate. However, like any other online marketing discipline, getting in front of the right customers is more and more difficult. As real estate agents and homeowners realize their steep uphill battle, they turn to professionals to assist them in this highly complex and convoluted field of online...

Effective Ways To Connect With Your Sphere Of Influence - Agent Operations - Real Estate Marketing - Realtor Marketing - Marketing Tips for Real Estate

Effective Ways To Connect With Your Sphere Of Influence

There are many effective ways to connect with your sphere of influence, but you must have a plan. Today we’re sharing the Agent Operations’ 3-Point SOI Communication Plan: Send something every month to your sphere of influence. It can be an email newsletter, a hand-written card, a print newsletter, holiday cards, or whatever you enjoy sending. Just make sure it goes out each month like...

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